Central Market's Restoration
The opinions collected from the public engagement exercise were consolidated and issued as part of the requirements on how Central Market should be operated in the future. After a rigorous selection process, the URA has recently chosen Chinachem Group to manage and operate the city’s Central Market revitalization project for a term of ten years. By enhancing the building’s historical heritage to enshrine it in collective memory, Chinachem Group aims to create a cultural corridor between old and new neighbourhoods and evoke a sense of belonging and connection.

▷ 1842
The first-generation Central Market opened to the south of its present site under the management of a Chinese man called A Foon.
▷ 1850s
Rapid population growth resulted in a demand for new markets. The second-generation Central Market is believed to have been established in the 1850s at its present location.
▷ 1895
Ding Xinbao, City of Victoria, A Selection of the Museum's Historical Photographs, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of History, 1999, p.44
The third-generation Central Market comprised two blocks of two storeys each with a central avenue in between. The walls of the building were red brick with granite features.
▷ 1939
The fourth and last Central Market rises four storeys and is an example of the Streamline Moderne Bauhaus style of the time. The building has a total of 255 market stalls with an open Atrium located at the center of the building.
▷ 2021
Revitalised under the new theme of “Playground for All”, Central Market is expected to commence its first phase of operations in the third quarter of 2021.