Chinachem Contributes to the New Era of Co-Living

Chinachem Group takes corporate social responsibility to support underprivileged families with affordable housing by contributing some units in World Fair Court located at Pokfulam to the Community Housing Movement. As of the end of May 2019, 18 families are benefitted from this action.
A representative from Chinachem Group says, ‘Chinachem believes that everyone deserves quality, practical, environmentally friendly and healthy homes. That’s why the Group immediately provided 16 units at World Fair Court for the debut of Community Housing Movement in 2017.’
Contributing to Community Housing Movement by Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), these 16 units are now operated by Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service under a three-year project entitled as “Best Neighbour. Walk Together” Community Housing Project since August 2018. With saleable areas ranging from 397 sq. ft. to 408 sq. ft. at World Fair Court in Pokfulam, Chinachem’s units serve as transitional social housing for the families which are waiting Public Rental House for more than 3 years. Tenants can share the communal space in the apartment. As of the end of May 2019, a total of 18 families move in the units. It is targeted to accommodate a total of 24 families at World Fair Court.
‘We are so glad that most of our units have been occupied and give the tenants a new life. Most importantly, these families can earn a living by themselves which made contributions to the society’, Mr. Ng Shung Mo, Sales Director of Chinachem Group, says in the sharing day of “Best Neighbour. Walk Together” Community Housing Project.
Honoured guests who presented the sharing day of “Best Neighbour. Walk Together” Community Housing Project included: The Hon Frank CHAN Fan, J.P., Secretary for Transport and Housing; Mr. Ng Shung Mo, Sales Director of Chinachem Group; Mr. Charles C L Yang, BBS, JP, Chairman of Admissions, Budgets and Allocations Committee, The Community Chest; Ms. Elsa Hung, Assistant Commissioner for Efficiency of Efficiency Office; Dr. LUK Che Chung, Chairman of Steering Committee on Community Housing Movement under HKCSS.